Very cold Ranskill Ride 2017

February 04, 2018  •  Leave a Comment

Ranksill Riders

Please enjoy the video below, and don't forget to check out all the photos if you haven't already from the ride in the

equestrian ride gallery on this website.  



  Lost glasses and cold batteries

    It was a beautiful day, but very cold when stood in the shade.  Not having been at the Ranskill ride before I did not really know what to expect.  Looking at the map though I did pick out a section to work on first.  When I had walked past the first section and the wood into the first ploughed field I realised that I was not going to be moving any further on this trip.  I walked really well as I was able to see riders going out on the ride, but also later on I would be in a good location to capture them on their return.



      Out on routeMaking my way to the first section by a lake. This did not work as a location for me, so moved onto a different, more favorable position.      

   Earlier on when I was loading up my car, I heard something drop but when looking back I could not see anything, so as I didn't want to be late set off down the A1 to Ranskill. It was only when I was at the venue that I realised that I did not have my glasses with me and that it was those that has fallen out of my pocket.  Fortunately my daughter was able to pick them up for me before she ran over them on the drive.

Any way, back to the ride.  It was particularly cold this morning and noticed that my first battery was completely drained after the first couple of riders.

For a lot of us this would be the final ride for 2017, and it was a great way to finish such a fantastic ride season.  It was a really good turn out for this poppy ride, with a good number supporting the poppy on their horse and outfits.  So good to see families out enjoying time together and supporting the young riders.

As I was waiting for the final riders I took another walk out through the wooded area, when I heard a creaking and crash and when I got to the field saw a fallen tree with the tip of the branches smashing over the riding route, so very lucky you had all past by.




  A Great location

                          Next ride for me is Sunday 18th February - Escrick Park

    North & East Yorkshire EGB Ride calendar




Thank you all for my experience and for viewing and buying the images.

I look forward to seeing you again soon.



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