Terrington EGB ride 2019

February 06, 2021  •  Leave a Comment



Terrington ride May 2019

Today we are taking a look at Durham Valley from Spring last year, which was arranged by the Durham & Teeside EGB group. 

This can be seen in the YouTube section below...….

It's been a while since I have put anything on here, my apologies but due ti ill health I have been away from home and my computer.  However as part of my recovery I wanted to re-visit an old ride to share wit you all.

It surprised me how much I miss being at the rides myself, I can not pretend to know what it's like with horses and no rides.  Hope this brings back nice memories, and a taste of things to come in the future.



The weather was great and the riding superb and varied, you were definitely a talkative bunch which is good because it helps my time fly.  Looking back I can safely say that I had a thoroughly goof time at Terrington.



So good to see some familiar faces, and loving the smiles, waves and no hands riding.  Great to see you all enjoying such a wonderful scenic ride.  Keep an eye out for this ride in future as weather and scheduling permitting the Durham and Teeside EGB group try to put this ride on twice a year (one in Spring and one in Autumn).  Same ride, 2 completely different seasonal elements to enjoy.


      Images from this ride back in 2019 along with many others are still available from the archive ride section of my website at  


Thank you for taking the time to watch and read (if you have), and hope that you are looking out for each other and staying safe.  Once we start getting a sense of normality back, keep an eye out on your local EGB group website for the next available ride.    Whenever that maybe.

A few website to check out when the time is right

North & East Yorkshire EGB Group

Durham & Teeside EGB Group

Northumberland EGB Group

Notts EGB Facebook page

Lancashire EGB Group


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