Bluebells of Durham Valley - Spring 2019

May 23, 2020  •  Leave a Comment



Bluebells of Durham Valley - Spring 2019

Today we are taking a look at Durham Valley from Spring last year, which was arranged by the Durham & Teeside EGB group. 

This can be seen in the YouTube section below...….

From what I can remember, this seemed to be a very quick ride for a lot of you riders.  There was a mix of 10k and 24k distances and by the time I had finished working in the woods with the Blue Bells I missed a fair few of you coming back from the returning loop of the 24k riders.




This year the weather was on our side, as my time in the woods was glorious.  No mist, fog or cold to put up with.  Just beautiful speckled light and the lush green of Spring in full flourish. Sorry that there is no singing, dancing or prancing around like a horse from me here but sometimes it is nice just to sit and listen to the sounds of the woods and wait for riders to pass me.



So good to see some familiar faces, and loving the smiles, waves and no hands riding.  Great to see you all enjoying such a wonderful scenic ride.  Keep an eye out for this ride in future as weather and scheduling permitting the Durham and Teeside EGB group try to put this ride on twice a year (one in Spring and one in Autumn).  Same ride, 2 completely different seasonal elements to enjoy.


      Images from this ride back in 2019 along with many others are still available from the archive ride section of my website at

Thank you for taking the time to watch and read (if you have), and hope that you are looking out for each other and staying safe.  Once we start getting a sense of normality back, keep an eye out on your local EGB group website for the next available ride.    Whenever that maybe.

A few website to check out when the time is right

North & East Yorkshire EGB Group

Durham & Teeside EGB Group

Northumberland EGB Group

Notts EGB Facebook page

Lancashire EGB Group


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